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23 September 2022

HGDA Launches Lemvelo Project

The Harry Gwala Development Agency (HGDA) today hosted the Product Handover and Project Launch of Lemvelo Body Lotion and Body and Masaage Oil. The Agency CEO Ms. Antionette Whyte said that the event demonstrated the success yeilded when there are strong partnerships forged between government, its entities and emerging business. Stakeholders present included the Department of Science and Innovation, Technology and Innovation Agency (TIA) and the Council for Scientic and Industrial Research Council (CSIR). Lemvelo Cosmetic Products is the brainchild of a Cooperative from UMzimkhulu, DMT Agricultural Cooperative has developed the new cosmetic product line from Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolen).

Speaking at the event Whyte said she was excited to see the synergy between the beauty and skin care industry. The agency committed itself to assisting in the growth and sustainability of the enterprise by identifying key areas of growth, ensuring primary production is augmented, sourcing funding and facilitating access to business models and local and international markets.



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